ACE Films Reboot 2020

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Quarantine Got You Thinking?

I'm not sure about you, but I know I've been pondering just about everything from "What is going on?" to "Do I need to rethink my life?".  This time alone has questions racing through our heads.  So I thought I might be able to use this time to share some of my wisdom, knowledge and experience by doing a weekly Live Stream.

Now there are plenty of "How to make a Movie" videos and courses out there, but I thought I'd look at what I know and topics I get asked a lot about.  Basically, I think I'll keep things simple and see where it leads.  However, if you have any ideas for topics, have specific questions you'd like me to answer or just random suggestions, feel free to let me know. 

Please join me Wednesday, May 6 at 9 PM Central Time on the ACE Films Facebook Page.  On this inaugural voyage I'll talk about some of the 'Why's of our industry: why we start, why not to quit, and why to keep the magic alive.  Consider it a break from the monotony of what we are all going through. 

See you on Wednesday Night!
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